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20 May 2008

John Tulloch - in the blink of an eye

Thank you very much indeed for keeping me up to date in reference to Tribute08 and general RNZA affairs. Rod Baldwin and Jerry Meyer have likewise kept me in the loop concerning the RNZA, Veterans Affairs, Agent Orange et al.
-----Tribute 08. My intention, having discussed it with Harley Pope when he visited the UK last year, was to attend Tribute08. Regrettably that will not be the case due to medical grounds.

-----The medical excuse: I was on the verge of flying to Belize to assist the British Army in jungle warfare training and teaching FOOs and MFCs the art of adjusting indirect fire in close country (yes, at my age! I have actually been doing this for the past 15 years in both Brunei and Belize).
-----The day before I was due to fly, the retina in my left eye started to detach rapidly. Luckily I knew the symptoms as I had had a similar problem with my right eye and retina in Sep 2001. However, I was rushed to Southampton General Hospital, where they operated on me on Saturday evening (I was due to fly early Sunday morning).
-----The consultant surgeon drove down from London to carry out the operation. Not only was the retina detaching but it had also torn so it was a tricky operation and more complicated than my right eye.
-----Thankfully he saved the sight in my left eye, though I seem to have lost some peripheral vision which I hope is only temporary. Time will tell. At the moment I am grounded in many ways, which includes definitely no flying. My eyes have changed so new glasses are required and I can't wear my contacts at the moment due to the stitches in the eye.
-----I hope to be given a clean bill of health on 3 June when I next see the consultant. He did mention to me that if I had flown I would have probably joined the Nelson Club! Luck or good fortune works in a strange way sometimes.
-----Anyway, above is my excuse for not attending. I have looked at the 161 Bty RNZA list and many names bring back fond memories of my service in the RNZA. There are too many names to list them all here, for I also fear if I did list names I may inadvertentently mention someone who has passed on. Jerry's updates and Muzzle Flashes are very salutory in that arena, ie the late Joe Fallon as one example.

So, please do pass on my best wishes to all, have a fantastic time and sink a few! My thoughts will be with you all. My aim is to get back to NZ for a decent leave with Victoria and hopefully to meet up with people.

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