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07 March 2012

Who are the members of the RNZA Association

RNZA Assn; `The Way Ahead`, Membership

Following on from our last idea about establishing forums for `Areas of Common Interest` for us gunners, (zero response to date!, but its still only early days), we are now ready to propose our next element of the plan.
I think membership of the RNZA Assn should be AUTOMATIC for all gunners (once they have been marched in to the Regiment), and that, wait for it, it should be FREE!.
We would maintain a database which would truly reflect the `family of gunners`. So how would we fund our activities? well the $20 we currently require as a sub for membership would be a `charitable donation` and we would continue to fund the newsletter through this. Other funding would have to be raised `specifically for its intended purpose eg updating the website. We would continue to issue invoices and receipts for the annual donation, and only those who have paid will receive the newsletter (which of course will contain a section on `Areas of Common Interest`).

So if you want to read the background reasoning for this proposal, please pay your $20 "sub?" immediately so that you can receive a copy of the March Newsletter, which will contain a more detailed explanation of my proposal.

Tony McLeod

1 comment:

  1. Dear Tony
    My basic views is that people don’t respect so much the things they obtain for free.
    So, in my view:
    (1) people have to apply to join;
    (2) somebody must have done three months with the Colors;
    (3) a person should have to make a financial commitment, and $20 is five cups of coffee.
    There’s my two bits.
