Very many thanks for your offer to assist the Association with accommodation for our friends from Christchurch. Barry has asked me to pass on the message below.
We do know that the Christchurch RF battery, 39 Bty, has been very busy on the streets of Christchurch for the last week. There was a major RF joint exercise centred on Timaru at the time of the earthquake, hence the rapid availability of Defence Forces for assistance.
39 Bty are due to take a few days relief sometime next week and the CO expects that there will be calls on us for accommodation to get soldiers and families away from Christchurch for a few days. We will know later this week.
In the meantime we would be grateful if you could give us some details:
1. Names
2. Address
3. Tele number
4. Email
5. How many adult bedspaces
6. How many children’s bed spaces
7. Do you have a cot(s)/portacot
8. How long can you take someone for
9. Ideal dates if any
10. Can you uplift from nearest airport
11. Any other detail
Please do not hesitate to call me if you want.
Judy Dreyer
09 307 5692 (direct)
09 534 7900 (home)
mellonsbay1 (Skype)
Judy Dreyer
09 307 5692 (direct)
09 534 7900 (home)
mellonsbay1 (Skype)
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